contoh kalimat periodic system
- At first the periodic system did not raise interest among chemists.
Awalnya sistem periodik tidak menimbulkan minat di kalangan kimiawan. - Charles Janet's Left step periodic table (1928) is considered to be the most significant alternative to the traditional depiction of the periodic system.
Tabel periodik kidal Charles Janet (1928) dianggap menjadi alternatif yang paling signifikan untuk penggambaran sistem periodik tradisional. - Alternative periodic tables are tabulations of chemical elements differing significantly in their organization from the traditional depiction of the periodic system.
Tabel periodik alternatif adalah tabulasi unsur-unsur kimia yang berbeda secara signifikan dalam hal tata letaknya dibandingkan sistem periodik tradisional. - In 1867, Gustavus Hinrichs, a Danish born academic chemist based in America, published a spiral periodic system based on atomic spectra and weights, and chemical similarities.
Pada tahun 1867, Gustavus Hinrichs, kimiawan akademisi kelahiran Denmark yang menetap di Amerika, mempublikasikan sistem periodik spiral berdasarkan spektrum atom, berat atom dan kemiripan sifat kimia. - Ramsay was awarded the 1904 Nobel Prize for Chemistry in recognition of "services in the discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air, and his determination of their place in the periodic system."
Ramsay dianugerahi Hadiah Nobel bidang Kimia pada tahun 1904 sebagai pengakuan atas "layanan dalam penemuan unsur gas lembam di udara, dan penentuan tempatnya dalam sistem periodik."